Wednesday 27 July 2011

This brochure has been hanging around in my studio for a little while now, I picked it up because I loved the cover design, since learning that they are costume designs for The Cunning Little Vixen (1924) by Eduard Milen. I have seen the play, obviously a much updated version, but it's the sinister feel of these designs that I admire and the art deco nature that they have about them. Maybe it's also because they incorporate pattern in such a slight but effective way too.

We had a wild rabbit in the garden the other morning - perhaps trying to make friends with Captain. And then we got frightened about the spread of disease etc. and then had to spend a good deal of time looking things up on the internet.

In other news, the potato plant is dying because I accidently pulled it up and we are eagerly awaiting the first crop of blueberries from the blueberry bush.

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